
The internship at Enggaarden is your opportunity to focus on the Academic Art of Riding. If you are new to the matter it is a wonderful way to start your journey. Or further develop skills within AAoR.

You receive:

- 5 lessons per week from @michelle.wolf.aar (licensed Bent Branderup Trainer ®️)

- free accommodation with your own room (without food)

- Free accommodation for your horse (box and paddock with a shelter and food)

- If you come without your own horse you will get your lessons on one of our school horses


- minimum 18 years

- The wish to learn about AAoR

- Some experience with horses

- The ability to come for 3 months

- Knowledge of English or DA/NO/SWE


January - Mid February 2025

April - July 2025

November 2025 - January 2026

Please let us know in your application, which time of the year you are interested in. If all the spots are filled during that time, we will offer you a spot on the waiting list and inform you in case of a cancellation.

Why we offer this internship to you

Throughout history receiving an equestrian education would only be possible if you were rich. 

Already back in the days the internship was an opportunity for those less fortunate, to still get the education, by working for their lessons. The teacher/master could choose to take a student under his wings, give them a place to live, feed them and let the student ride his horses for the lessons. 

This is the history and purpose behind an internship, also called working student position. 

I personally like, that we here on Enggaarden keep this tradition alive. 

Of course most people can today pay for their education through weekly lessons and a few clinics a year. But to do an internship, normally lasting 3 month, will secure you a very good fundament and further development in AAoR in much shorter time, and in the long run for less money.

All of us who are opening our homes and stables to welcome you as an intern and giving you the chance to learn from us -Please see that this is an offer to you. Yes, you are definitely helping us. But instead of hiring long term staff members, we keep our stable doors open; to offer you an education for much less money and time. 

Choosing to become an intern is a decision you make. Be sure to get all information regarding all the terms and conditions of the Trainer you choose to learn from, as well as the workload, before you decide to say yes. 

If you are positive, trustworthy, helpful, organized, not afraid of stable related work, doing and completing your tasks with self satisfaction – you are intern material and will gain so much more from the time, than „just“ better riding skills.

You will learn, to improve yourself every single day. You will be part of a team, that is welcoming you with open arms and a big smile. You will learn, what it means to work and be truly valued for it. 

Or in other words: What you give is what you get. 

You find yourself in that text? We are looking forward to receive your application! 💌

What our interns say


“I still remember the feeling of stepping into the arena, overwhelmed by finally finding what I had been searching for so long.
The approach to educating rider and horses was so different from what I had learned back home.

From that second I found the joy of being in the arena with my horses...”

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More insights

Learn more on our instagram page

You are curious what former interns say, or simply want more information? Check out our instagram page! Here we have collected many reviews and insights of the internship over the years.

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